Kooperative Lernwerkstatt in Addis Abeba. Signum Vitae Eye Care Cooperative
Neuro Kids Warriors in Kenia
When we founded our association in 2018, we followed an ambitious plan. Back then, two of our colleagues visited an educational institution in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, together with a group of young trainees from Moers. Young adults with learning difficulties and physical disabilities were given good prospects for vocational education and training there. After the second visit, learning and working together with the hosts resulted in a bold project – a model for professional development. We wanted to find ways to test and establish optician training locally. The background to this was a widespread virus that was causing thousands of young people to go blind through drinking water from the wells. We diligently collected donations of materials from German opticians within a radius of 100 kilometres and soon held concrete discussions with institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce Abroad, foundations and development aid organisations.
But on the way to the project, there were suddenly huge obstacles in front of us that were to thwart our plans… the cruel war in Ethiopia and the coronavirus pandemic in 2019 put a spanner in the works and unfortunately cancelled our idea. Due to the travel bans and political restrictions, further engagement was no longer possible. From then on, our association members focussed their attention more on other vocational training activities.